Musée de la civilisation Version Odoo 11.0

Informations sur le Musée de la civilisation instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.

Applications installées

POS Base
Base of modules author by TL Technology
Pos Coupons And Vouchers
Add an option in existing Point Of Sale to Create and Use Coupons/Vouchers on Current Order.
POS Détail du produit
This module is used to view the details associated with the products loaded in POS
Website Coupons & Vouchers
Promote your business by offering Vouchers/Promotional-codes, without using pricelists.
Module For Merging Pos/Website Coupons
Module for merging POS/Website Coupons
Pistes, Opportunités, Activités
Gestion de l'inventaire
Inventaire, Logistique, Gestion de stock
Gestion des ventes
Devis, commandes, facturation
Point de Vente
Interface pour magasins
Discussions, Listes de diffusion, Nouvelles
Gestion de la facturation
Envoyer les factures et suivre les paiements
Accounting Management
Financial and Analytic Accounting
Constructeur de Site Web
Construisez le site web de votre société
Vendez en ligne vos produits
Gestion des achats
Bons de commande, Reçus, Factures des Fournisseurs
Account Financial Reports
OCA Financial Reports
Audit Log
Report to printer
Annuaire des contacts
Clients, Fournisseurs, Partenaires, …
Application which groups all modules required ERP MCQ
MCQ Gift Cards
Manage gift card sales and usage on the point of sale.
MCQ POS Tickets
Associate ticket templates to products, and print them when buying the product on the POS.
MCQ Virtuo Export
Export accounting and analytic data to Virtuo's text format
MCQ Website
Module with specifications needed to run MCQ's online shop.
Stock Scanner
Allows managing barcode readers with simple scenarios
Calendrier Personnel & Partagé